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What To Expect When The Technician Arrives For A Heating System Tune-Up

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While many people know that they should have their heating and cooling systems inspected annually, they may need help understanding what happens during these visits or why it's essential to get them done. Here's everything you need to know about seasonal HVAC tune-ups!

Visual Inspection

Seasonal HVAC tune-ups are performed to help ensure your heating and cooling systems run optimally. While the name is a mouthful, it's an easy process that can be completed in about an hour by most people who have done other home repairs before.

During your seasonal HVAC tune-up, you'll have your technician visually inspect several components of your system:

  • Look for leaks and damage on pipes, ductwork, motors, or any other system part that might be broken or worn down over time (if there are any). In some cases, these problems may be covered under warranty—but if they're not covered yet and need repair now anyway to keep things up and running smoothly over the next few months (or years), it may be worth getting financial help from a company like Energy Trust of Oregon or Washington State Energy Programs.

  • Check for debris build-up inside filters or around vents near windows or doors (these areas tend to collect dust more quickly than others). If there seems like too much stuff here compared to how long since you cleaned them out last time, then consider doing so again today; this will allow fresh air into all rooms without clogging up systems with too many particles floating through them at once!

Check The Drain Line

Why would durian line inspection be relevant to my heating issues? Well, you’re not entirely wrong in thinking that drain lines are not related to your heating issues, as they deal with your AC, but while your tech is there they may be inclined to check the drain line to ensure your AC is ready for next season. Preventive care is the best course of action.

The drain line helps remove excess moisture from your air conditioner and heat pump. If this line isn’t clear, it can cause problems like:

  • Excessive humidity in the home (because water vapor cannot escape through the ductwork)

  • Heating or cooling systems that run longer than expected or continuously

This is an integral part of the HVAC system that should be flushed yearly. The condensate drain line carries water away from your air conditioner and into a drain. If left to stagnate, this water can cause blockages or clogs in the pipe, which can lead to issues like:

  • Excess humidity in the home

  • Higher bills from having to run your unit longer than necessary

  • A malfunctioning heating or cooling system

Helping Moving Parts Stay Moving

Moving parts in your heating and cooling system are often susceptible to wear and tear. As a result, they can also be subject to overheating and premature failure.

Seasonal tune-ups include a thorough cleaning of these components as well as the lubrication of any moving parts (such as motors). This will prolong the life of your HVAC system, ensuring that it continues working at peak efficiency for years to come.

Motor Check

A motor may be damaged in the case of a malfunctioning or poorly installed blower fan. You should always check to see if the motor is running correctly by listening carefully. If there is an issue, you should have it resolved as soon as possible because it can cause severe damage to your heating system over time.

If you find loose connections on your motor or any other parts that appear damaged or broken, they will need to be replaced before they cause further complications with your HVAC system. If you notice any damage or missing insulation surrounding a part of your system such as a capacitor or run capacitor and you aren't sure what it is exactly, take pictures so you can reference them later when deciding whether or not those particular parts need replacing during seasonal tune-ups.

Clean Ducts

The technician will clean your ducts when you schedule your seasonal HVAC tune-up. This procedure should be performed at least every three to five years, more often if there is a lot of dust or debris around the house.

The technician will use a brush or vacuum to remove dust and debris inside the ducts. A HEPA-filtered vacuum is recommended because it will capture 99% of allergens in the home while they're still airborne, preventing them from being recirculated into your living space. The technician may also remove each section of ductwork individually and thoroughly clean it with water and detergent before putting it back together again.

Finally, if possible (many systems are too large), he/she will inspect your furnace for efficiency issues and lint buildup behind filters and vent dampers that might be restricting airflow.


Valairco has got you covered when it comes to dealing with HVAC problems year-round, so give us a call today at (855) 661-3300
